Wednesday, February 28, 2007

blog 8

On Wednesday, 8,000 gallons of toxic solvents got spilt in the Ohio river in the States. As the barge hit an under water dam as the coast guard and the Illinois state officials told CNN.
Lt. Wayne Chapman of the states coast guard exclaimed that the barge owned by Kirby marine, hit the wicket dam ( a typed of dam which is movable). It happened near Brookport and began leaking cumene (toxic solvent), a solvent that is used to produce other kinds of chemicals.
An official said that there’s no harm or threat to public drinking water. Water intake stations around the site have not reported finding the chemical in their systems. But the solvents float to the top of the water and evaporated easily. A member of the Environmental protection agencies called Kirby Marine told CNN that experts are trying to determine the environmental impact of the accident.

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