Friday, February 23, 2007

Blog 6

Giant sinkhole gobbles homes; 3 people missing
In Guatemala city some homes were swallowed and sunk under the ground by a massive sink hole.
Guatemala's national disaster coordinator, Hugo Sanchez said that rescue operations would not start due to the unstable walls of the 330 foot deep hole the floor around also shook. It created loud noises, also sewage pipe lines created unbearable smell up the hole.
Maria Rivas, a near by eyewitness said that during the stay at her own house a sudden booming sounds accured, ground also started shaking, and after a whle she realized the houses collapsed into the deep hole.
Moments after the sink hole appeared police went to the disaster site and patrolled the neighborhood, with the megaphones they told everyone around to stay in their houses.
After a while evacuation started. 1000 houses around the site was evacuated then those residents was then moved to temporary shelters which were schools and also poliece buildings.

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