Friday, February 9, 2007

Blog 3

Cat bath hell thrives on Web

In this video clip it shows a new invention which was created ultrimatly to help you clean you pets easily. It reduces the cat wash stress for people as cats are really afraid of water. How the machine works is it sprays water horzontally and vertically and also adding soap in between times. The video clip has been floating in the internet and has been showing on from january 30th. Many comments were left any many were bad.

The video starts off an onld lady that brought her cat and tested out the machine. It seemed good for a while as the cat started to stress more. it started jumping all over inside the machine and that shows the discomfortness that the machine does to the pet. The stress that the cat gave out could easily damage it’s body parts, it could hit it’s head on the roof of the machine and injure it self badly. People left comments “It is like a feline concentration camp”, “Horriable”. It is infact cruel to the pets it’s self.

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