Wednesday, February 28, 2007

blog 8

On Wednesday, 8,000 gallons of toxic solvents got spilt in the Ohio river in the States. As the barge hit an under water dam as the coast guard and the Illinois state officials told CNN.
Lt. Wayne Chapman of the states coast guard exclaimed that the barge owned by Kirby marine, hit the wicket dam ( a typed of dam which is movable). It happened near Brookport and began leaking cumene (toxic solvent), a solvent that is used to produce other kinds of chemicals.
An official said that there’s no harm or threat to public drinking water. Water intake stations around the site have not reported finding the chemical in their systems. But the solvents float to the top of the water and evaporated easily. A member of the Environmental protection agencies called Kirby Marine told CNN that experts are trying to determine the environmental impact of the accident.

Blog 7

Inmates at no-smoking prison trade hostage for cigarettes

In a smoke free prison two inmates living there swapped a hostage for a box of cigarettes during a 6 hour stand off.
The two prisoners names were Billy Grubb, age 32 and Bradley Johnson, age 25. On Monday night a guard was attacked by Billy and Bradley explained Howard Carlton the warden of the north east correctional complex.
The guard was then held hostage and the two prisoners advised the guard to give them some tobacco through out the night, in order to release him and leave back to their cell. After the guard gave up and gave them the tobacco they quickly smoked them and went back to their cell then locking them selves back in.
Later, investigations started as the police were stunned of how they got out of their prison cells and also their motive for attacking the guard. But now Both Grubb and Johnson are now imprisoned for murder.
A new laws are now trying to be passed through in the states saying prisons across the states are organizing no-smoking policies.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Blog 6

Giant sinkhole gobbles homes; 3 people missing
In Guatemala city some homes were swallowed and sunk under the ground by a massive sink hole.
Guatemala's national disaster coordinator, Hugo Sanchez said that rescue operations would not start due to the unstable walls of the 330 foot deep hole the floor around also shook. It created loud noises, also sewage pipe lines created unbearable smell up the hole.
Maria Rivas, a near by eyewitness said that during the stay at her own house a sudden booming sounds accured, ground also started shaking, and after a whle she realized the houses collapsed into the deep hole.
Moments after the sink hole appeared police went to the disaster site and patrolled the neighborhood, with the megaphones they told everyone around to stay in their houses.
After a while evacuation started. 1000 houses around the site was evacuated then those residents was then moved to temporary shelters which were schools and also poliece buildings.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Blog 5

Grandfather fights 16-foot snake to free grandson
In Sao Paulo, Brazil a kid was saved by his grandfather from a 16-foot-long anaconda attack. Using only rocks and a knife injuring the snake for over half an hour.
Pereira was 66 years old, and Mateus an 8 years old was attacked while wondering in his grandfather's ranch around a creek in the city of Cosmorama. About 400 kilometres northwest of Sao Paulo.
He was attacked while he was with his friends, the snake rapped it's body around Mateus's neck. A police officer explained that the Anacondas are not poisonous but they simply rap themselves around the victim suffocating them.
The boy on the other day told Globo TV that the snake brought him down to the ground then bit him on the chest, then after it slid to his neck and started suffocating it.
After the boy was attacked his friends quickly ran to his grandfather. Then he battled it with a knife and some rock for his son. After about half an hour it got injured so badly it released the boy and slid away.
Mateus was then sent to the hospital quickly where he got bitten it needed 21 stitches.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Blog 4

UFO’s seen over South Shore sky

On Friday evening 6:20pm was an unusual sighting of an UFO (unidentified flying object). It drew a crowed in along Kewalo Basin and Ala Moana Beach park it was flying along the south western skies around 450 C. People reported that there were 2 of them and they looked like fire balls with a stream behind. “Looked like a shooting start but it just kept on going. they changed directions from time to time” said one of the observers. During the sight time the National Weather Service said nothing was shown on the radar along with the federal Aviation Administration didn’t report anything unusual. The U.S. military said they had a missile defence test that evening but didn’t happen until an hour after the sightings. A professor claims that it might be a contrail from a plane that is just burning hydrogen based fuel.

Blog 3

Cat bath hell thrives on Web

In this video clip it shows a new invention which was created ultrimatly to help you clean you pets easily. It reduces the cat wash stress for people as cats are really afraid of water. How the machine works is it sprays water horzontally and vertically and also adding soap in between times. The video clip has been floating in the internet and has been showing on from january 30th. Many comments were left any many were bad.

The video starts off an onld lady that brought her cat and tested out the machine. It seemed good for a while as the cat started to stress more. it started jumping all over inside the machine and that shows the discomfortness that the machine does to the pet. The stress that the cat gave out could easily damage it’s body parts, it could hit it’s head on the roof of the machine and injure it self badly. People left comments “It is like a feline concentration camp”, “Horriable”. It is infact cruel to the pets it’s self.

Blog 2

Escape of a wallaby

A California lady dialled 911 and reported a kangaroo was on the loose. But at first no one believed her, after a while the animal control officers came they identified it as a wallaby. Try different methods then finally coming up with the “hold the tail technique” they prevented the wallaby from springing it’s hind legs at them. Before there was a Tv show where a kangaroo was referred to the Boxing Kangaroo as it has accurate aim and could spring to who ever it targets. In the end they used a bag and covered it’s head then brining it to the animal control center where it’s owner can come and retrieve it. A similar case happened before a a poodle dog went on a high way causing traffic problems. Although it left safely it ended up having a bruise on the side of it’s body.

Blog 2

Militant leader warns: 'We will destroy lives'

In a distant mangrove swaps in the southern part of Nigeria, 24 Filipinos were held hostages. A picture showing them sitting in a row with the armed militants dancing around them. They were on a cargo ship but was stopped on January 20th. The militants caught the Filipinos as their newest victims over Nigeria’s oil profits. In Africa Nigeria is one of their largest oil exporters but due to the conflicts there it reduced the exported oil barrels by almost 500 thousand. Also the militants threatened that they would make the oil export reduce even more. The militants also claimed that they have over 200 thousand men on their side. One of the commanders in the militants said they wanted the expatriates or they take away even more hostages and kill them one by one.