Tuesday, May 29, 2007

No jail time for 2 men charged in taxi driver's death

Two people who were pleaded guilty from causing death by driving dangerously by driving in high speeds and collided and killed a Toronto cab driver will not spend time behind bars. The two men Wang-Piao Dumani Ross and Alexander Ryazanov both at the age of 20 were charged in january 2006 with a criminal negligence in the case involved in an accident killing a cab driver called Tahir Khan just days before he would be set as a canadian citizen.
On tuesday, the the two men were given conditional sentences of two years less a day to be served in the community. They have also been given the penility of Two years probation, 12 months of house arrest, 150 hours of community service, Bans from driving for four years.
Khan, was 46 years old an is an immigrant from Pakistan. During the time he was turning left in an intersection when the Mercedes-Benz driven by Ryazanov struck his vehicle, slamming it into a light pole. Khan died at the scene. Witnesses told the poliece that they saw the two men travelling at speeds of up to 130 and 140 kilometres an hour on a road with a 60 km/h speed limit. From the charges I think that they are given too lighlty to these men and I think they should at least be in jail for 1 or 2 years, pay the price of the accident and also given a monthly speed check for their cars this is because they neglected the safty rules of the streets causing death.

blog 26 Ontario bans gift card expiry dates

Under a new consumer protection regulation, businesses in Ontario will have to eliminate expiry dates on gift cards plastic cards loaded with cash value as of October 1st . "Cash equivalent gift cards will never expire," Government Services Minister Gerry Phillips said on Tuesday in Toronto. We have had the support of a wide range of stakeholders, including the Consumers Council of Canada and the Retail Council of Canada." Ontario is the first province in Canada to regulate gift cards. Businesses must also clearly disclose all terms and conditions associated with redeeming the card. The law will not apply to loyalty cards or prepaid phone cards. The number of retailers offering gift cards has been increasing. In 2005, 79 per cent of clothing stores offered the cards, up from 36 per cent in 2003, according to Statistics Canada. I personally think that this is a great new requlation for consumers and for business because the people giving or receiving the cards wouldn’t have to stress about the expiry times that they got on their gift cards. Also by doing this there might be a chance in an increase in consumer demand for the cards as they have less things to worry about.

blog 25Pickton talked of bodies, committing suicide, jury told

Pickton talked of bodies, committing suicide, jury told
A man Accused of as a serial killer, called Robert Pickton told a friend there were several bodies on his pig farm, then suggested they both commit suicide, the woman testified Tuesday. picton’s close friend called Gina Houston was testified at Pickton's murder trial in New Westminster, B.C., after a week long break for the Crown and defence to make legal arguments without the jury. Houston, 39, told the court about her close relationship with Pickton at his Port Coquitlam farm a place where she said she used drugs and learned to butcher pigs. It's also the place where pathologists discovered the remains of women who disappeared from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. A nervous Pickton discussed committing suicide with her during a conversation while they were sitting in his car two days before he was arrested in February, 2002, Houston testified. She said Pickton told her that the two of them "had a decision to make" and that there was "only one way out." I think that rather sucide they could of told the poliec what had happened and maybe the judges would give them a better charge instead of being harsh on them.


blog 24 Ottawa sued over Kyoto

Ottawa sued over Kyoto
In Ottawa the environmental group called Kyoto protocol sued Ottawa at court, they wish to be able to force the Conservative government to meet their responsibilities. Kyoto protocol challenged Ottawa in court on 2007, 5, 29. They said Canada will likely be in "flagrant breach" of it’s international obligations under the climate-change treaty.
For Christine Elwell, a spokeswoman for Kyoto, the message to Prime Minister Stephen Harper was simply "You can't just do whatever you want. You have laws. You have obligations."
A former lawyer of the Sierra Legal Defence Fund called Robert Wright, says “the group does not want to the court to impose a climate-change plan on the federal government. It just wants the Conservatives to honour the Kyoto targets to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions”. He also added, "We're not asking the court to tell the government precisely how to deal with climate change and greenhouse gases,".
For Christine Elwell responded, "We are asking the court to tell the government that whatever plan they do come up with, whatever regulations they do come out with, that they comply with the legal obligation."
Given the evidence before a Commons committee in the community today, Environment Minister John Baird told the court, they have respected the Kyoto but the target emission reduction level would be too hard or not achievable because if done so many people would be affected by that.
The government's other plan promises to reduce the green house gas emissions by 20 per cent by 2020 based on 2006 levels, with greenhouse gas emitters facing a 26 per cent reduction by 2015. As then the Kyoto protocol said that they would only agree to this act by setting 1990 as the base year for reductions and a thumbs down to 2006.
When both sides are ready to agree the government's plan was then criticized again on Monday by the Pembina Institute which are an other environmental group, they stated that “there are far too many loopholes and assumptions in the emission-reduction targets”. The courts must tell the government that it "can't cut and run," said Elwell. "You can't just do whatever you want. You're not free to decide that `I'm not going to follow our obligation."' Canada ratified the Kyoto protocol in 2002. The agreement calls for overall reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to six per cent below 1990 levels between the years 2008 and 2012. This is important because I think that the government wanted to do whatever they want and ignore the other problems such as this one. They should of watched out for their greenhouse gas emissions through out the time, and also they can’t say that it is too impossible to meet the requirements because they signed the treaty and they should of changed anything on that treaty when there are things that are hard to keep up with.

Blog 23 Speaking in tones? Blame it on your genes

Speaking in tones? Blame it on your genes

Through out the generations of human the populations may have influenced languages spoken around the world today, as researchs have proved. The studies/ research says that people who carry variants of around 2 two genes involved in development of the brain tend to speak nontonal languages such as English, while those with a different genetic profile are more likely to speak tonal languages such as Chinese.
In tonal languages, such as chinese, korean, japanese, african languages, there differences in pitch can change the meaning of vowels, consonants and syllables. These types of languages are mainly spoken in South East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Nontonal languages, which prevail in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, use pitch only as a way of conveying emphasis or emotion. Also new discoveries from the Universities of Edinburgh says that tonal languages that sounded more like modern Chinese or Zulu were spoken by the very first human on earth. This Meaning that languages such as english and french came a while after. “The genetic profile that appears to predispose to nontonal languages evolved only about 5,800 years ago, implying that all languages were probably tonal before that”, said one of the researchers.
From what the research results came out “This does not mean that people with one set of genes cannot speak the other type of language, or that you have to be any smarter to learn one of these groups of languages rather than another,” Robert Ladd, who led the research, said. “What we have found, though, suggests that these genes might have a very small effect on individuals, and a larger effect on the populations in which they live. As the language is passed on culturally, it would then be more likely to develop along one path than the other.” After reading this I start to wonder how languages would become after a few centries later. I thought that it was an intresting find that english was not one of the language the very first human beings spoke but rather languages similar to modern chinese.

blog 22 Ants can plug anything, even potholes

In Paris studies have been made on about ants. The Studies have shown that when a stunning amount ants with the total of 200 000 army carrying prey encounters a gaping large hole, the ants would automatically have volunteers to make an ant bridge with their own bodies. This is done to let their comrades to be able to walk over them at full speed until the day's work is done.
The Ants also have groups that the researchers found that are specialized for road –repairing. These ant are limited in size which only contains around 50 of them, but if a situation like this happened they would simply have ants from the groups to keep plugging away until a perfect ant bridge is created. “The study offers rare quantitative evidence that extreme specialization among a sturdy few with a lot of backbone can improve the performance of a majority”, conclude Scott Powell and Nigel Franks, biologists at the University of Bristol. The researchers’ test ants were called Eciton burchellii, which is also called as army ants. The researchers simply made a road filled with holes, by doing so they could test how the ants adapt to the artificial environment and how they would react in those situations. They also did a series of measurements of the army ant’s gain in productivity, they calculated the self-sacrificing behavior of the ants "results in a clear net gain in daily prey intake for the colony". Also from the studies made by the researchers if there were only 7500 worker ants in a trail, they can create a ant bridge by doing hole-plugging duty, the foraging party can increase its daily intake of goodies by up to 26 percent, according the study, to be published in June in the British journal Animal Behaviour. This is amazing as i never knew such tiny ants can plug holes that are 7000 times their sizes and how they would sacrifice their lives for the group. It is also freaky to know that these species of ants travel in such big numbers.


blog 21 Saskatoon health region probes release of hospital cards

Saskatoon health region probes release of hospital cards
It is shocking that Sasatoon’s health region has their blue cards sold in some auctions for money. Recently a saskatoon man went to an auction and purchased a big box full of personal health information. The iteams came in thousands of blue plastic hospital cards with many personal/ private information, including names, adresses, health status, etc. With that box many people’s personal health information said to be protected was leacked out to some stranger.
After the auction the man then gave the box labeled as recycled, to a local saskatchewan party MLA. After that it was returned to saskatoon health region. Sask. Party MLA Don Morgan said Tuesday that “people have the right to expect that their personal health information will be protected”, but after this incidant, that right was violated. “The case raises serious questions”, he said. "Does the regional health authority have good processes and good procedures in place?" asked Morgan. "[Are] there policies that will prevent this from happening in the future?" I think that the health authority should take this more seriously as it is important to everyone. It is also a serious problem to the information security as this happened I think that many of the citizens would not want to keep their records in those hospitals etc.

20 South Korea aims for space in 2017

South Korea aims for space in 2017
In south Korea the governments said on Monday that they will push the exploration of planets as early as 2017. This it because South Korea wants to join the exclusive space club. The government in south Korea have decided to spend huge amounts of money “won” around $3.8 trillion meaning for around $4 billion. That amount of money will then be used over the next 10 years to improve technologies in building satellites and rockets, said Jeong Hae-yang, an official of the Science and Technology Ministry.
The exploration is almost like “an investment for the future,” said Jeong. Also by doing so the Exploration would help resource-poor south Korea pool more resources and information about space. According to the ministry of South Korea, the ambitious project will be made public at a hearing Monday will be finalized in June. “South Korea also aims to join international space exploration programs, including the international space station, to help master core technologies in building satellites and rockets”, said Jeong. I think that it is great that South Korea is doing more explorations in space but if they want to compete they are already to far behind.

Blog 19 Whales swim under another busy bridge

Whales swim under another busy bridge

On Tuesday May 29th The two whales were once again spotted swimming near a bridge in Sacramento River, New York, California. This is a follow up news to the previous one. The Biologist now worry about the whales health from the big wound that they got from boat’s propellers and also the suffrage of the long stay in Fresh water. Antibiotics were injected by using guns and darts, and shooting them into the whales on Saturday to try to slow the damage of the wounds and also ease their pain.
Although they stayed long in the river of California they are making good progress. When they first arrived they swam around 90 miles inland, by now the mother whale and her calf are now at around 40 miles inland making a progress of around 50 miles. During the journey when they first arrived at the river there was an memorial day where all the people swarmed the two sides of the river to catch a glimpse of the whale, and the coast guards had to maintain a 500-yard safety zone around the whales. "It's still anybody's guess. The whales are going to decide what they're going to do and how they're going to do it," said Bernadette Fees, deputy director of the California Department of Fish and Game. I think that the police did well in trying to help the whales to get better and also to help them find their way back to home.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Rescuers to turn fire hoses on whales

Rescuers to turn fire hoses on whales

In California a whale mother and her calf took a wrong turn a week ago entering Sacramento River and travelled 90miles inland . They have been proceeding the right way, but now for some unknown reason they have been circling around for days. The two whales have spent more than a week in the river and now the scientist have thought of a new plan of pushing them back to where their homes are. They have never used this technique of spraying water from above and below the river.
The whales have been circling a point of the river around 70 miles inland. Their destination have not changed for a few days but their wounds have gotten worse. It was cause by collision from the boats’ propellers and caused a big cut across the back. The scientist also got veterinary science at the Marin Mammal Center in Sausalito to create some antibiotics for the whales but the scientist are still working and developing the drug. The injection of the antibiotics would help the whale to recover faster from the wound. They said that the medicine would be given to the whales through dart needles.
I think the reason for them to be circling the area is that they do not want to go back with the large wound as the salt water gives them enormous pain. They stayed in the fresh water for that long is because after they realized they were not on track they went back but with the help of human they got their cuts and now are suffering. I think that if the scientist really want to help is evacuate the boats from that area or not permit any activities that involve boats as accidents might accrue again and might be fatal if the whales get any more physical damaged.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Saturn's rings are dense clumps

In the US scientists had discover something new to the Saturn’s B ring. In photos and studies before shown that the ring was supposed to be very smooth and made up of many small particles. After further results and studies done on the ring the opposite of what the theory was wrong. When people or scientists look through the telescope the rings appear to be smooth and are far apart, but in fact they are made of clumps of particles.
These facts were presented by NASA along with the corporation of European and Italian Space agencies Cassini spacecraft also show that the ring’s particles are constantly colliding rather than going in an orderly form. From these results it surprises everyone. As the thought of Saturn’s rings being smooth and particles flowing in a direction constantly it is actually the opposite.
A scientist said “The rings are different from the picture we had in our minds,” said Larry Esposito of the University of Colorado at Boulder. Larry Esposito is an expert at studies using ultraviolet imaging. “We originally thought we would see a uniform cloud of particles. Instead we find particles clumped together with empty spaces in between” exclaimed Esposito. Other scientist also began to question that what the information they had gathered from before is wrong and in fact the ring might be 2 or 3 times denser that what they had thought.
Now the scientist have a new method of discovering how the rings are by the usage of light. "By studying the brightness of stars as the rings pass in front of them, we are able to map the ring structure in 3-D and learn more about the shape, spacing and orientation of clusters of particles," Colwell said in a statement.
From a journalist Lcarus said that the clumps are formed because of the gravitational attraction and the colliding of the rings particles. Also if the clumps were further from the planet Saturn, they might combine with each other or even form a moon. This didn’t happens as because the clumps of particles are so close to the gas giant/ planet, they would all be stretched apart from each other.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

blog 15-Doctor finds spiders in ear of boy with earache

In U.S a boy found spiders living in his ear’s. It was on one day that the boy couldn’t bear the fact that he could hear creaking noises in his ears. He told his mother about it and both went to a doctor. At start there were popping noises then the boy started to have an earache.
Later during the day while the doctor examined the ear’s of the 9 year old boy. The doctor noticed that something was inside this boy’s ear. When the boy got treated with liquid spray into the ears the spiders came out. The first one came out dead but the second one came out with the second spray. When the spiders came out the boy wanted to keep them as a display. The spider were almost the size of the pencil eraser on the top of the pencil.
I thought that this was really weird and sick of course. Although it truly is amazing how spider can live inside a person’s ears. When this happened what would people do to prevent this from happening, by putting in ear plugs when they sleep? Although it is disgusting I think that the spiders would leave by them selves sooner or later because it would need food to survive. This article scares me as I really wouldn’t want insects growing in my body.


Friday, May 4, 2007

Blog 14-Convicted killer fears his last moments

In united states, a convicted murderer called Philip Workman is once again scheduled to be put into a death sentence for the 4th time. It has been sad and fearful for almost half of his life as he stayed in prison going through all the procedures. On this coming sunday he will be placed in a cell apart from all other people with a window facing him and to be watched 24 hours a day. He will be injected with 3 different types of poisons, the first is to make him fall asleep, then the second poison will stop his lungs from breathing, then the last is to put his heart to a stop. These drugs were known to be cruel and “inhuman” because of the fact that the sufferer might not even be asleep and could feel the immense pain from the needles. From many prisoners say that the first drug put into your body would stop you from talking and even freeze your body from moving. From that it made the drug one of the most feared way of death. I think that this death procedure is really cruel to the people as instead of quick death this can almost last for half an hour of complete pain all over your body as described.
In recent studies from a not for profit organization the scientist were shocked as there were no until 2005. Six scientists have spent 3 years of study in the drug use to execute people. They have looked over all of them and most give similar conclusions. As the amount of drugs found in the bodies and could cause immense pain and so the scientist concluded the drug protocol a failure. I think that it had been stupid for the people in the past to not conduct research before using these types of drugs and with out knowing what they are putting into human bodies. It has been cruel to the people who suffered this death with out knowing the fact “it is a quick way to die” is a lie.
Through out the time and year I cannot imagine how much fear it would be to be in a prison for more than 25 years under going the death sentence and being stopped every time. I think that it has been really cruel to him and his family as the case had not been settled and the court had always given them hope but then crushing it by the death sentence every time. As he said he would not want his families to visit him and he wants to end this quickly. It might be the best for him to let him choose to end this quickly instead undergoing the feeling of hope and hope destroyed again over and over.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

blog 13Body lies in driveway during 16-hour police standoff

Body lies in driveway during 16-hour police standoff

In Auburn, Maine there was a total of 16 hour stand off between the police and a man who killed his mother in the driveway of their house. The man called James “mike” peters, age 42, is believed that he was shot and killed by one of the police in the tactical squad that stormed into the house. A police said that the 70 year old mother shot by his own son was lying in the driveway during the stand off and also said it was too dangerous to move the body during the stand off.The police repeatedly requested a talk with the man but he refused so the 10 tactical squad members were brought into help solve the problem. One got injured by the flying glass when the man shot through the window.

for more information please visit: http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/31/body.driveway.ap/index.html

blog 12

Sydney Climate change blackout

In Australia it's largest city Sydny dimmed on Saturday night as businesses and homeowners switched off the lights to draw attention to global warming.
The normally gleaming white sails of the Sydney Opera House darkened, and so did the iconic harbor bridge and chunks of the city skyline. Security and street lights, as well as those at commercial port operations, stayed on.
Throughout the city of about 4 million people, residents turned off the lights for one hour in an event organized by environmentalists and supported by Sydney city officials, the New South Wales state government and thousands of businesses.
Restaurants throughout the city announced candlelight-only specials, and families gathered in parks and other public places to take part in a countdown to lights out, sending up a cheer when the switch was flicked at 7:30 p.m. local time.
Saturday's event kicked off a campaign to encourage Sydney residents to conserve energy by turning off lights, computers and other electrical equipment when they're not being used -- steps that could cut Sydney's greenhouse gas emissions by 5 percent a year.
Australia, a nation of around 21 million people, is ranked as the world's worst greenhouse gas emitter per capita, largely because of its heavy reliance on coal-fired power stations .Leaked excerpts of the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the U.N. network of 2,000 scientists, say average temperatures in Australia could rise 6.7 degrees by 2080, bringing more wildfires, floods, drought and storms.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

blog 11

San Francisco to ban plastic grocery bags

In San Francisco the board of supervisors voted on tuesday that they would become the first U.S cities to ban the use of plastic bags in supermarkets so that they could promote recycling more.
Under legislations, in 6 months time plastic bags that are produced by petroleum products. It is true that many other foreign contries have a similar legislation but the city legislator said that "it is astounding that San Francisco is the first city in the U.S. to follow it's suit."
The city's enviorment department reported that San Francisco uses almost 181 Million grocery bags annually. And also says the previous promotions to recycling failed miserably with only 1% of thhe bags being returned to the supermarkets.
By banning plasti bags being given out in supermarkets would save up to 450,000 gallons of oil a year and would also save 1,400 Tons of debris being sent to land fills.

for more details visit:http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/27/environment.baggs.reut/index.html

blog 10

Police: Who dumped 3 newborns, 11 months apart?

In central california farm, a community of 7,300 members, a women abandoned 3 of her babies. DNA tests showed that all three babies came from the same mother. The very first baby was found lying on a park bench wraped in a small blanket, the baby was clearly not born properly and still has a umbilical cord hanging from it's body. After another 11 months time the mother again abandons 2 other babies in pick up trucks in the same neighbourhood. The one major fact is that all 3 newborns were found around a 2 block radius . Investigators are working on this heartbreaking mystery, one asked the question "How can the relatives not see this girl pregnant, and then see that she's not pregnant anymore and not ask where's the baby? Somebody must know something." Unfortunatly, only the first 2 babies were found alive aboy and a girl and for the last baby was found dead. That baby was found in a pick up truck parked near a school, she was found dead of the exposure on the cold night of December 3. The coroner concluded that this poor baby didn't survive more than a day. Officals then asked the help of the community to search the parent of these babies. The finder would be rewarded with $5,000, police announced that when caught the parent would be charged for crimal acts and also to ensure that this parent doesn't repeat the tragic.

For more details: http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/28/abandoned.babies.ap/index.html

Monday, March 5, 2007

blog 9

Rare Iranian cheetahs get tracking collars
In New york this thursday stated that they have collared an Iranian cheetah with tracking systems. This was inportant as they have little information on these rare species of big cats. The tracking systems put on the cheetah would be able to give the scientists some invaluable insights of the movements of the cats and also the ranges.
These Cheetahs have roamed around the whole continent but now is confined to be under the harsh edges of the kavir desert. As was stated before these cats are near extintion and only 60-100 left in the wild that is why the information of the cat's movements are crucial.
2 male cheetahs were tranqulized and used to be the scientist information pool of these cats.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

blog 8

On Wednesday, 8,000 gallons of toxic solvents got spilt in the Ohio river in the States. As the barge hit an under water dam as the coast guard and the Illinois state officials told CNN.
Lt. Wayne Chapman of the states coast guard exclaimed that the barge owned by Kirby marine, hit the wicket dam ( a typed of dam which is movable). It happened near Brookport and began leaking cumene (toxic solvent), a solvent that is used to produce other kinds of chemicals.
An official said that there’s no harm or threat to public drinking water. Water intake stations around the site have not reported finding the chemical in their systems. But the solvents float to the top of the water and evaporated easily. A member of the Environmental protection agencies called Kirby Marine told CNN that experts are trying to determine the environmental impact of the accident.

Blog 7

Inmates at no-smoking prison trade hostage for cigarettes

In a smoke free prison two inmates living there swapped a hostage for a box of cigarettes during a 6 hour stand off.
The two prisoners names were Billy Grubb, age 32 and Bradley Johnson, age 25. On Monday night a guard was attacked by Billy and Bradley explained Howard Carlton the warden of the north east correctional complex.
The guard was then held hostage and the two prisoners advised the guard to give them some tobacco through out the night, in order to release him and leave back to their cell. After the guard gave up and gave them the tobacco they quickly smoked them and went back to their cell then locking them selves back in.
Later, investigations started as the police were stunned of how they got out of their prison cells and also their motive for attacking the guard. But now Both Grubb and Johnson are now imprisoned for murder.
A new laws are now trying to be passed through in the states saying prisons across the states are organizing no-smoking policies.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Blog 6

Giant sinkhole gobbles homes; 3 people missing
In Guatemala city some homes were swallowed and sunk under the ground by a massive sink hole.
Guatemala's national disaster coordinator, Hugo Sanchez said that rescue operations would not start due to the unstable walls of the 330 foot deep hole the floor around also shook. It created loud noises, also sewage pipe lines created unbearable smell up the hole.
Maria Rivas, a near by eyewitness said that during the stay at her own house a sudden booming sounds accured, ground also started shaking, and after a whle she realized the houses collapsed into the deep hole.
Moments after the sink hole appeared police went to the disaster site and patrolled the neighborhood, with the megaphones they told everyone around to stay in their houses.
After a while evacuation started. 1000 houses around the site was evacuated then those residents was then moved to temporary shelters which were schools and also poliece buildings.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Blog 5

Grandfather fights 16-foot snake to free grandson
In Sao Paulo, Brazil a kid was saved by his grandfather from a 16-foot-long anaconda attack. Using only rocks and a knife injuring the snake for over half an hour.
Pereira was 66 years old, and Mateus an 8 years old was attacked while wondering in his grandfather's ranch around a creek in the city of Cosmorama. About 400 kilometres northwest of Sao Paulo.
He was attacked while he was with his friends, the snake rapped it's body around Mateus's neck. A police officer explained that the Anacondas are not poisonous but they simply rap themselves around the victim suffocating them.
The boy on the other day told Globo TV that the snake brought him down to the ground then bit him on the chest, then after it slid to his neck and started suffocating it.
After the boy was attacked his friends quickly ran to his grandfather. Then he battled it with a knife and some rock for his son. After about half an hour it got injured so badly it released the boy and slid away.
Mateus was then sent to the hospital quickly where he got bitten it needed 21 stitches.


Friday, February 9, 2007

Blog 4

UFO’s seen over South Shore sky

On Friday evening 6:20pm was an unusual sighting of an UFO (unidentified flying object). It drew a crowed in along Kewalo Basin and Ala Moana Beach park it was flying along the south western skies around 450 C. People reported that there were 2 of them and they looked like fire balls with a stream behind. “Looked like a shooting start but it just kept on going. they changed directions from time to time” said one of the observers. During the sight time the National Weather Service said nothing was shown on the radar along with the federal Aviation Administration didn’t report anything unusual. The U.S. military said they had a missile defence test that evening but didn’t happen until an hour after the sightings. A professor claims that it might be a contrail from a plane that is just burning hydrogen based fuel.

Blog 3

Cat bath hell thrives on Web

In this video clip it shows a new invention which was created ultrimatly to help you clean you pets easily. It reduces the cat wash stress for people as cats are really afraid of water. How the machine works is it sprays water horzontally and vertically and also adding soap in between times. The video clip has been floating in the internet and has been showing on youtube.com from january 30th. Many comments were left any many were bad.

The video starts off an onld lady that brought her cat and tested out the machine. It seemed good for a while as the cat started to stress more. it started jumping all over inside the machine and that shows the discomfortness that the machine does to the pet. The stress that the cat gave out could easily damage it’s body parts, it could hit it’s head on the roof of the machine and injure it self badly. People left comments “It is like a feline concentration camp”, “Horriable”. It is infact cruel to the pets it’s self.

Blog 2

Escape of a wallaby

A California lady dialled 911 and reported a kangaroo was on the loose. But at first no one believed her, after a while the animal control officers came they identified it as a wallaby. Try different methods then finally coming up with the “hold the tail technique” they prevented the wallaby from springing it’s hind legs at them. Before there was a Tv show where a kangaroo was referred to the Boxing Kangaroo as it has accurate aim and could spring to who ever it targets. In the end they used a bag and covered it’s head then brining it to the animal control center where it’s owner can come and retrieve it. A similar case happened before a a poodle dog went on a high way causing traffic problems. Although it left safely it ended up having a bruise on the side of it’s body.

Blog 2

Militant leader warns: 'We will destroy lives'

In a distant mangrove swaps in the southern part of Nigeria, 24 Filipinos were held hostages. A picture showing them sitting in a row with the armed militants dancing around them. They were on a cargo ship but was stopped on January 20th. The militants caught the Filipinos as their newest victims over Nigeria’s oil profits. In Africa Nigeria is one of their largest oil exporters but due to the conflicts there it reduced the exported oil barrels by almost 500 thousand. Also the militants threatened that they would make the oil export reduce even more. The militants also claimed that they have over 200 thousand men on their side. One of the commanders in the militants said they wanted the expatriates or they take away even more hostages and kill them one by one.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007