Saturday, March 31, 2007

blog 13Body lies in driveway during 16-hour police standoff

Body lies in driveway during 16-hour police standoff

In Auburn, Maine there was a total of 16 hour stand off between the police and a man who killed his mother in the driveway of their house. The man called James “mike” peters, age 42, is believed that he was shot and killed by one of the police in the tactical squad that stormed into the house. A police said that the 70 year old mother shot by his own son was lying in the driveway during the stand off and also said it was too dangerous to move the body during the stand off.The police repeatedly requested a talk with the man but he refused so the 10 tactical squad members were brought into help solve the problem. One got injured by the flying glass when the man shot through the window.

for more information please visit:

blog 12

Sydney Climate change blackout

In Australia it's largest city Sydny dimmed on Saturday night as businesses and homeowners switched off the lights to draw attention to global warming.
The normally gleaming white sails of the Sydney Opera House darkened, and so did the iconic harbor bridge and chunks of the city skyline. Security and street lights, as well as those at commercial port operations, stayed on.
Throughout the city of about 4 million people, residents turned off the lights for one hour in an event organized by environmentalists and supported by Sydney city officials, the New South Wales state government and thousands of businesses.
Restaurants throughout the city announced candlelight-only specials, and families gathered in parks and other public places to take part in a countdown to lights out, sending up a cheer when the switch was flicked at 7:30 p.m. local time.
Saturday's event kicked off a campaign to encourage Sydney residents to conserve energy by turning off lights, computers and other electrical equipment when they're not being used -- steps that could cut Sydney's greenhouse gas emissions by 5 percent a year.
Australia, a nation of around 21 million people, is ranked as the world's worst greenhouse gas emitter per capita, largely because of its heavy reliance on coal-fired power stations .Leaked excerpts of the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the U.N. network of 2,000 scientists, say average temperatures in Australia could rise 6.7 degrees by 2080, bringing more wildfires, floods, drought and storms.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

blog 11

San Francisco to ban plastic grocery bags

In San Francisco the board of supervisors voted on tuesday that they would become the first U.S cities to ban the use of plastic bags in supermarkets so that they could promote recycling more.
Under legislations, in 6 months time plastic bags that are produced by petroleum products. It is true that many other foreign contries have a similar legislation but the city legislator said that "it is astounding that San Francisco is the first city in the U.S. to follow it's suit."
The city's enviorment department reported that San Francisco uses almost 181 Million grocery bags annually. And also says the previous promotions to recycling failed miserably with only 1% of thhe bags being returned to the supermarkets.
By banning plasti bags being given out in supermarkets would save up to 450,000 gallons of oil a year and would also save 1,400 Tons of debris being sent to land fills.

for more details visit:

blog 10

Police: Who dumped 3 newborns, 11 months apart?

In central california farm, a community of 7,300 members, a women abandoned 3 of her babies. DNA tests showed that all three babies came from the same mother. The very first baby was found lying on a park bench wraped in a small blanket, the baby was clearly not born properly and still has a umbilical cord hanging from it's body. After another 11 months time the mother again abandons 2 other babies in pick up trucks in the same neighbourhood. The one major fact is that all 3 newborns were found around a 2 block radius . Investigators are working on this heartbreaking mystery, one asked the question "How can the relatives not see this girl pregnant, and then see that she's not pregnant anymore and not ask where's the baby? Somebody must know something." Unfortunatly, only the first 2 babies were found alive aboy and a girl and for the last baby was found dead. That baby was found in a pick up truck parked near a school, she was found dead of the exposure on the cold night of December 3. The coroner concluded that this poor baby didn't survive more than a day. Officals then asked the help of the community to search the parent of these babies. The finder would be rewarded with $5,000, police announced that when caught the parent would be charged for crimal acts and also to ensure that this parent doesn't repeat the tragic.

For more details:

Monday, March 5, 2007

blog 9

Rare Iranian cheetahs get tracking collars
In New york this thursday stated that they have collared an Iranian cheetah with tracking systems. This was inportant as they have little information on these rare species of big cats. The tracking systems put on the cheetah would be able to give the scientists some invaluable insights of the movements of the cats and also the ranges.
These Cheetahs have roamed around the whole continent but now is confined to be under the harsh edges of the kavir desert. As was stated before these cats are near extintion and only 60-100 left in the wild that is why the information of the cat's movements are crucial.
2 male cheetahs were tranqulized and used to be the scientist information pool of these cats.